Need To Separate Fact from Fiction, Need to Separate Wishful Thinking from Facts
A 1 year, 364 days old infant does not need a ticket on the plane
A 1 year, 364 days old infant does not need a ticket on the plane
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is love. Secrecy and lying
There is nothing status quo about this case, so why start “status quo” now? In an international case
The recent news of the “Scottsboro boys” being posthumously pardoned is more symbolic and should
“Let’s NOT OFFEND, let’s GO FEND our basic human emotion for a child.” As a
It is one thing to have anti-IVF laws, anti-gay laws, anti-intersex laws but to use
There is severe trauma and depression for intersex people. That’s what the medical professionals tell
Surrogacy in USA is expensive and not affordable by everyone thus making it inaccessible. Just
Anyone who has followed this story of two IVF siblings being split as personal is
There is a strong link between intersex and IVF and how it is dealt with