My birth condition as a girl child caused me to become stateless in 2009 at the time of birth which also caused me to be divided from my brother also born with the same birth condition as me in 2004. Inspired by the words of Virginia Woolf and Carol Hanisch, I am helping IVF/Surrogacy born children because I have the tools to do so and I request your support as I cannot do this alone. If children like us are counted, we get equality, if we are equal, we have equal opportunity for success as other children, if we have equality, we get a voice to be free. That’s all we want is to be FREE, do you want to steal or help a girl child’s FREEDOM? It’s 2020 – is it time for #SurrogacyChildMeToo to help UNITE innocent siblings like us? Are we ready to move forward or still living in the past? How long will we be divided due to our birth condition? For all the critics, first live my life as a stateless girl child survivor fighting to be included and equal while in parallel laws like Girls Count Act and Save the Girl Child are in place yet it somehow evades children like me. Just like a rapist claims that somehow a girl is at fault for being raped or a girl child has no value and so should be raped, a rich and powerful adult can claim somehow an IVF/Surrogacy born child is to blame for becoming stateless and not counted. The issue is neither IVF/Surrogacy, infertility, or LGBTIA, the issue is change in ideology, when do we start? Let’s not normalize the exploitation and the abuse, let us unite together to solve and help.
Niti Atre is so lucky, they have a mother like Purnima Atre, a woman, who will peddle the lies and using emotional persuasion get their LIES sanctified, what about children like me? Who speaks for us and if no one speaks, who will hear our issues? And how do these LIES affect us – the children like me and my brother and millions born like us? Is cannibalizing the rights of children only way for infertile adults to get their reproductive rights? As Coronavirus has taught us we can UNITE in thought if not physically for the greater good. Similarly, is exploiting a girl child only way to solve infertility even if it doesn’t affect you? I cannot do this alone, come help us by UNITING and at the end of the day, its about ending exploitation of a girl child, is that something you support?
We have come a full circle in overcoming inequality against intersex, immigrants, infertility, IVF/Surrogacy, statelessness and we are right back here we started, the issue of exploitation of a girl child and we cannot do it alone. As far as Niti Atre and Purnima Atre are concerned, the question to ask is there LIES helping or hurting the wider community fighting for the ame issues like intersex or infertility or IVF/Surrogacy or statelessness or immigration? Are the LIES helping my own brother facing the exact SAME issues? The LIES suppressed misconceptions and the issues from coming out and being discussed and delays the inevitable, equality!
Whether adults like Niti Atre and Purnima Atre choose to lie about a birth condition of a child for personal benefit or whether to state the truth for the wider community as a whole, that’s up to them, why should I continue to lie about the issues of a birth condition, instead break the chain of lying where stigma and lying are the real culprits and let their karma decide their fate. If anything, I would have expected adults like Niti Atre and Purnima Atre to be allies of children like me and my brother born with a birth condition, not only because they are responsible and accountable for bringing us into this world BUT also because they themselves are fighting with a birth condition and would support us instead of exploiting and abusing us simply via their LIES which is torture as confirmed by UNSRT. Neither Niti Atre nor Purnima Atre nor our biological father or the billions of adults reading this are facing issues due to being born via IVF/Surrogacy, a birth condition, me and my brother are and other children like us, we cannot change that, can we just be allowed to move forward with the truth without any further threats, intimidation, lies, abuse, exploitation, torture? As an Indian American, the world’s largest democracy and the world’s superpower, one would think saying the truth would be allowed as enshrined in constitution of both countries but the reality is as a girl child, children like me are made invisible and the truth suppressed with threats, intimidation and lies. This means its a lack of awareness issue and not a lack of spirit as evidenced in the constitutions of both great countries, we shall overcome! As long as the SEPARATOMETER does not stop meaning we the siblings are DIVIDED, the lies have won over truth and all we want is to be UNITED as this affects children born like us, rare but we still exist as equal human beings to be counted and be visible along with our issues, we shall overcome!
What is the SurrogacyChildMeToo about?
For me, its about dignity and respect of an IVF/Surrogacy born child, any child born like us including my own brother divided from us OR the ones who were made stateless like me OR the other IVF/Surrogacy born child that the Atre has in their family other than my own brother. If the Atres truly cared about our issues as IVF/Surrogacy born children if not for me then at least for my brother OR the other IVF/Surrogacy born child they have in their own family, they would stop lying and start helping children like us. In 2020, everyone has heard of Coronovirus pandemic that’s gripping the world but their some important lessons that we ALL are learning for the first time. If someone has come in contact then its their personal responsibility to go into self-isolation/quarantine so as to not harm others OR they can lie about it and jump quarantine or unknowingly infect others OR maliciously infect others, what’s the right thing to do? So for someone like Niti Atre who is intersex, infertile, immigrant, they cannot legally have a child either in 2004 when my brother was born or in 2009 when I was born or in 2020, today unless they LIE which break laws! Sadly, the ONLY way people like Niti Atre can have a child is by LYING which breaks laws and ALL the LIES told for my brother in 2004 were used against me in 2009 to exploit our situation. To hide one lie, a thousand more lies were told for sake of Niti Atre and my brother as that’s the only way to build a family and that entire basket of lies which hid complex issues like intersex, immigrant, infertility, IVF/Surrogacy all came crashing down on my head before I was even born!!! It’s ironic that a girl child, me, was exploited for this basket of lies which breaks laws when in reality, the girl child is the MOST protected legal entity in the civilized world! meaning I as a girl child should have got more help and protection but I didn’t because the lies preceded me every where I went to get a legal identity and rights. So the question for SurrogacyChildMeToo is NOT whether to help an infertile adult or not, not whether to help an intersex adult or not, not whether to help an immigrant or not, we did all that, not once but twice, the question is once a child is born even if by lying which break laws because that’s the only way we can have a family, do such children have ANY rights? The question is what is the RIGHT way forward to solve infertility – is it by exploiting one sibling to grab the other and dividing both? The existence of me, my brother and millions of other children born via IVF/Surrogacy around the world prove infertility can be solved but do we have EQUAL rights? As the great comedian Chris Farley (yes, I watch YouTube and he is still available there and he is great!), children like us “don’t fit the mould”, so we do not deserve a legal identity because adults decided to lie OR what put us back into the womb and make us unborn?
We are NOT outing anyone, we are simply forced to state the truth just to survive. Everything was STOLEN from me when I was born, my dignity, my respect, my humanity, I didn’t even count as a human being despite being physically alive, what MORE can you steal from me? It took me 8 years to come from Level -1 to Level 0, and not one day did either Niti Atre or Purnima Atre show up as they said they would when giving consent for my birth. Level 0 means I am counted as a human being, I have a legal identity, I can go to school, I can get an education, I have the same access to opportunities like other “normal” born children or for whom lies have been allowed but denied for me like my own biological brother, yes it took me 8 years just to get here. What more can you steal from me? How long will you silence me? People need to understand that infertility is very traumatic, I am the 6th try, 5 miscarriages before me and to be not counted when I am born it only adds extreme torture to an already traumatized process. Sadly, only 15% of the heterosexual population will understand this who are infertile, there are no official statistics on ability to have children amongst LGBTIA and single parents if they were counted but prima facie, it would be 100% where they would need third party reproductive help like IVF/Surrogacy or adoption but its only 2020, we don’t count issues of such adults let alone their children and hopefully by having a discussion, I intend to make a dent here.
For me, its not whether Nit Atre is born with ovaries or testes or ambiguous genetilia, why should ANY of that be the reason for BLOCKING MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE? That is the question and did Niti Atre and her cronies HELP or EXPLOIT my freedom by their lies? Niti Atre claimed under sworn affidavit in court in 2010 that they had a “removal of ovaries” surgery and then in 2015 again under sworn affidavit in court claimed they were NEVER born with ovaries in 1975. So when exactly between 29175, year of Niti Atre’s birth and 2010 did they acquire ovaries? The BIGGER question is did these LIES under oath HELP or DELAY in me getting a birth certificate, a legal identity, a passport in order to be FREE and be UNITED with my brother rather than DIVIDED? We already overcame intersex, infertility, immigration, IVF/Surrogacy, statelessness, exploitation of women, how diverse or intolerant are we? Is the pot calling the kettle black? In our world, intersex are EQUAL and thus children of intersex family are EQUAL which is what we are asking for, do you agree?
Let History Decide when a girl child is in trouble – do you show up or throw up?
For some people, an intersex child or adult may not be considered a girl child and not deserve marital rights and as an infertile person, not deserve a child either biologically or legally, either through adoption or through IVF/Surrogacy, these are the “throw ups”/excuses/reasons, but what about someone who wants to SHOW UP and help and go through the pragmatic circumstances to help? There are thousands of “normalizations” to justify the actions of why NOT to allow an intersex person to be considered a woman or have a child, what about ONE reason to just show up and help?
For some people, a child of an intersex family born via IVF/Surrogacy is not a child of marriage while her brother born the same way is, or IVF/Surrogacy is unethical or immoral and thus let us punish the girl child born this way who had NO say in the matter, let us deny the most fundamental right of any individual, a legal identity to a girl child while in parallel claim SAVE THE GIRL CHILD, EDUCATE THE GIRL CHILD and perhaps someone can explain how to educate any child without a legal identity? Again, some people can “throw up” thousands of excuses to “normalize” human behavior but you need only one action, SHOW UP and the rest will follow.
Let history decide what is right or wrong when a girl child is in trouble – did you show up or throw up?
Lately, there has been lot of advancements on multiple different issues and empowerment to speak the truth without being penalized or so I have heard. Using this empowerment, I also feel empowered to speak my truth and depending on the consequences, we will see whether the empowerment to state the truth is real or still oppressive? The question is it time for the #SurrogacyChildMeToo where one can state the truth without intimidation, threats, exploitation, abuse by the rich and/or powerful who want to muzzle the free voice for their own selfish reasons? While women in 21st century are looking for equality in active combat, or space exploration or workplace, the time has turned back for me to the 20th century where I am just trying to be counted as a girl child and an equal to my brother born the same way as a child of marriage and all its rights, dignity and respect. This is our fight as IVF/Surrogacy born children to be counted as equals at all levels just like any other child.
I, a girl child, was born via IVF/Surrogacy in 2009 in India and the US laws state that because neither the egg donor nor the surrogate who gave me birth, I or any other children born like me are considered by US laws to be “child born out of wedlock” despite being born during a marriage including my own brother born the same way and worse someone in the know can use this to divide us innocent siblings which is the unthinkable has happened. Instead of celebrating the overcoming of infertility with two blessed children growing united, we are struggling to survive as divided. I want to explore the consequences of this archaic and deeply insensitive and inhumane application of the law? I am stating my truth against an ideology and not against any specific individual(s). I write from the perspective of the children while I understand most readers and more importantly, the decision makers who can change lives of children born like me are adults. So as you read this even if you are an adult, what Licypriya or Greta are for climate change, I am that same child for freedom of Surrogacy Children. I call your attention to focus on the issue and not the individual which would be most appreciated. I understand that what I want to discuss is one of the most emotive and sensitive subject – child bearing that humankind has struggled in every generation for thousands of years but is the status quo of #SurrogacyChildMeToo the right way forward? Traditionally, infertility is only looked at from adult woman’s perspective even in 2020 but then what happens to children, a girl child also a woman, born of two males, how do we get counted and get rights? Is exploiting a girl child of her freedom the right way forward? And if it is, then what have we learned for the last several centuries from the exploitation of women due to embedded patriarchy? As Virgina Wolfe said, “As a woman, I have no country and this world is my country” and as Carol Hanische said, “What is political is personal and what is personal is political”, these “feminist” quotes became my life as a survivor of #SurrogacyChildMeToo as a girl child. Is cannibalizing the rights of a child of LGBTIA the only way for a rogue intersex, infertile adult to have their rights? I believe this is a rogue situation and not all intersex or infertile or immigrants think or act this way, I know because I have personally met and talked with such people.
Pot calling the Kettle Black
For the most part, our society has short attention span and optics are used to make decisions. So imagine 6 females and 5 males enter a building as captured on CCTV (optics) and unfortunately, the building burns down and all is left are ashes and after DNA tests of the dead, it is found that there are 6 males and 5 females (science) despite the CCTV footage showing the opposite. Who is correct? This is our daily life struggle to survive and watching the innocent kids being divided and denied basic rights, we can no longer stay quiet.
For us this is about family, not policy. We have already been intimidated, threatened, lies used against us given under oath and sworn testimony which breaks the laws, legally and financially burdened and we take a great risk simply for stating the truth. I can imagine in 1809 a slave’s child may have asked for freedom and spoken out only to be threatened and silenced calling it “rule of law” but 200 years later, their speaking out was not wrong, it was the system. Similarly, in 2009 a stateless IVF/Surrogacy born girl child and sister simply wants to state my truth and like that of others like me to be FREE, let us see if we are further exploited, intimidated, financially and legally burdened or heard? Even if they come after me, all they will have proved that they can exploit and abuse a little girl child to suppress their lies, what are they really fighting for? I hope today but for sure in a few years, few decades, just like the slaves of 1809 were not wrong in asking for freedom, the IVF/Surrogacy children born in 2009 are NOT wrong in asking for freedom either. It may be “wrong” today but for how long? In the words of Gandhiji, Dr. King, Madiba, Susan Anthony, Rosa Parks, Carole Hanische, and millions others like them, I take inspiration this fight is worthy but have to be patient and in the interim, be ready for more exploitation, abuse, torture, intimidation, threats, financial and legal burdens, heck Copernicus and Galileo paid the ultimate price for simply stating the truth 500 years ago, something which we teach 5 year olds today without killing anyone! Solution is my focus which is the future and path forward, folks who are stuck on an old ideology and the past are still part of the problem and worse not solving but silencing. The scariest thing is these are rich and powerful people so they can dictate the norms for “today” but is it forever? I am 10 years old and I plan to outlast them with age and with ideology which is simple – all children are equal, that’s all I am asking, who disagrees? When I was born in 2009, I could not get a birth certificate as no one showed up as a “mother” to me and thus I could not get a passport to travel to the US where my father lived and worked. The system was not capable to accept my reality of child wanting a birth certificate who is born to two males with no mother. The 311th Harris county court in Texas where our only biological parent, a father was living and working notified the court in writing and asked to allow my Indian citizen brother born the same way as me via IVF/Surrogacy to be allowed to travel to India as I was left stateless due to an adult’s actions but my brother, an Indian citizen was denied travel to India to see his only biological sibling, me
and thus separated not just me but also his only known biological family. He is being lied to just like others are that our father stopped him from travel when in fact he is the one who put the truth in front of the court. As we both are born the same way, it could have very easily been him instead of me who is abandoned and left with no identity or no rights, would he want as a newborn someone to help him or give up on him? This is the hostage crisis we face on a daily basis where if we speak up, its too complicated and are accused of being intolerant to intersex or infertile and if we stay silent, we the siblings of an intersex, infertile, immigrant family continue to be exploited and denied our rights and a right to move forward with peace and happiness. We are also the world’s first IVF/Surrogacy born children of an intersex, immigrant, infertile family – something to be celebrated with joy if truth is allowed but due to lies and breaking of laws it results in divide and conquer, some thing lot of colonials are familiar with. If a sister is exploited by a powerful family member, should others in the family including the brother stay quiet and support the lies of the powerful or help the innocent?
When the 311th Court in Harris county, Texas appointed an amicus in November 2009, there was no amicus for me despite being born in September 2009 and informing the court. Is this the precedent to set for IVF/Surrogacy born children?
In future, when there are divorces filed by other LGBTIA couples, will their children also be deleted and denied rights? Is this something that fellow LGBTIA or infertile or immigrant or fellow law-abiding citizens agree with who the courts represent? What if someone uses the 311th Harris county, Texas case 200944214 as a legal precedent to delete and deny rights of another child? What if it is done 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times, 10000 times, 1 million times, will we wake up then?
Dividing us the innocent siblings born the same way under same laws yet selectively applying laws in favor of the rich and powerful is a false precedent being set at several levels, Uniting us the innocent siblings helps celebrate us with truth, respect, compassion for an intersex, infertile, immigrant family our true reality. Division continues the ongoing exploitation and discrimination, uniting adds power to truth and rule of law is equal for all – even us the siblings.
Despite the obvious, the fact is children like me are born via IVF/Surrogacy to help solve infertility of some adult (s). There can be various forms, heterosexual couples, single mothers, and in 2020 we are allowed to openly say gays, lesbians, single fathers and even intersex or agender or bisexual or transgender are typically adults who would need help to have a child and some use IVF/Surrogacy. I know it was a crime to say this openly in 2009 when I was born and also in 2004 when my brother was born but after US legalizing same-sex marriage in 2015 and some other countries following suit while it can still be a crime in most places in the world to state a basic fact of one’s identity like being gay or lesbian or intersex or agender or bisexual. So should one lie? Should one exploit the voiceless? And how does the child of LGBTIA facing the SAME issues move forward and get rights?
Identity is so basic for every human to survive in a document based system. So what happens when someone’s legal identity is denied at birth due to their birth condition? That is what happened to me, I became stateless at birth due to no fault of my own. Today there are millions of children who are stateless due to various different circumstances but few are like me as in baby Gammy or the Canadian twins or the US twins and some others who had the courage to speak up, no one knows about the ones who were silenced. The plight of stateless children born via international IVF/Surrogacy is real provided truth is allowed. In the real world, the Canadian couple did NOT abandon the IVF/Surrogacy child and did NOT split the siblings. The US-Israeli mother did NOT abandon the children and did NOT split the siblings. Baby Gammy was helped by the authorities once it was discovered the commissioning parent abandoned the child. In all cases, it proves the plight of no legal identity is REAL for children born like us and it takes years to work through the bureaucracy. Instead in all cases they fought against the system for years to get a legal identity for their innocent IVF/Surrogacy children while keeping the siblings together. I take inspiration from several people including Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd to come forward and see what happens. As a child of the 21st century, I believe we are all equal, heterosexuals, gays, lesbians, intersex, bisexuals, transgender, natural born children, IVF/Surrogacy born children, blind, deaf, mute, and so on. However, my lived reality is different and I have been educated by the system and the adults who exploit the system that somehow an IVF/Surrogacy born child of a LGBTIA, immigrant, infertile family is LESS than a natural born child which is what my fight is against, not any individual.
If a person in 2004 or 2009 or even 2020 who is also intersex, immigrant, infertile then it’s impossible for them to have a child either biologically or legally without breaking laws. I welcome anyone to an open discussion on this because if I am incorrect then the fight I had to put up with for years is false. There are several complex issues intersecting each other emotionally, socially, legally but should the end result be exploitation of a girl child?
In case 200944214 in 311th Court of Harris County, a Hindu marriage in India was granted divorce in 2010 but I was not counted as a child of marriage which started the slippery slope of loss of identity. I have faith in the system and I understand some people manipulate the system but for how long? Harvey Milk had to wait 40 years Alan Turing waited 60+ years before having same-sex marriage legally recognized, Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd and several others waited decades, Madiba spent 27+ years in jail before being freed, Gandhiji was jailed several times and led for several decades before getting freedom, Dr. King fought and waited for decades for civil rights to be treated as an equal, Rosa Parks, Susan Anthony and so many others, the list goes on…..I know children like me have to wait for simply asking for one thing – IVF/Surrogacy born children are EQUAL to natural born children. Whether me and my family will be further persecuted, spread lies, exploited, abused, legally and financially burdened to be silenced by the rich and powerful OR whether the world is ready to accept our reality remains to be seen. All the folks before me give me positive encouragement and to patiently wait for the system to act. Even if the system/laws claim that IVF/Surrogacy born children like me are “child born out of wedlock” despite born during marriage (which is frankly offensive), is it OK to do the same by an infertile, intersex, immigrant adult who already has one child born via IVF/Surrogacy? I also have a brother born in 2004 via IVF/Surrogacy, so how come he is child of marriage but I am not? How come lies for him which break the laws are allowed while mine are denied? Is ability to lie and then silence and oppress the truth called rule of law? If an adult can choose one sibling to be “child of marriage” while other sibling as “child born out of wedlock”, are they also discriminating? While the citizens of Houston rejected Prop 1 in 2015 where intersex or transgender people did not have choice of public restrooms but the court in same county allowed intersex person to choose which non-genetic child they could keep and which they can discard?
Is the issue whether a birth condition, intersex is male or female or third gender as in India OR is the issue about lies which break laws which exploits and abuses innocent children also with a birth condition? A case of pot calling the kettle black
For the most part, our society has short attention span and optics are used to make decisions. So imagine 6 females and 5 males enter a building as captured on CCTV (optics) and unfortunately, the building burns down and all is left are ashes and after DNA tests of the dead, it is found that there are 6 males and 5 females (science) despite the CCTV footage showing the opposite. Who is correct? This is our daily life struggle to survive and watching the innocent kids being divided and denied basic rights, we can no longer stay quiet.
Law is about case precedence. Currently 200944214 in 311th Harris county in Texas has set following precedents:
- How to delete a girl child legally with no rights, are we OK with that?
- Count the boy child but not the sister born the same way, are we OK with that where a Texan daughter is deleted by Texas Court? Would you speak up if its your child even if it costs you everything including a son and are other family-oriented Texans OK with this?
- Both children were born in India due to affordability, so if the Surrogacy could have been afforded and done in the US, the SAME child would be counted and have equal value, are we OK with this? Heck, we don’t even allow products to enter the US made from child labor abroad but I suppose children are OK? The US we know is even if a U person commits a crime outside the US, they are still held to US standards, why not the same here?
- If fraud birth documents are allowed for my brother to give US immigration then because he is innocent then why can’t the same logic be applied to other innocent children like me and the 4.5 million children in the US brought their using false immigrant documents?
- Should other intersex adults who cannot have a child also follow this modus operandi of abandoning one sibling to hide their lies and other sibling?
- Should other infertile adults also follow this modus operandi of #SurrogacyChildMeToo to have a child at any and all costs? If you are LGBTIA adult, heterosexual infertile adult, single parent, this EXACT same scenario can happen to your IVF/Surrogacy born child, are you OK with this case precedent on how to DEAL with IVF/Surrogacy born children by simply deleting us, not counting us and thus there is no problem, “la la la” as someone powerful and rich muffles the voice ?
- Should other immigrant adults also use false documents of their children in family courts in the US instead of immigration courts to secure US rights for their children?
- Most western countries have binary gender, some countries and ancient civilizations have recognized the third gender like intersex or else adults including medical professionals have to lie which has been declared torture, is the torture declaration supported by millions wrong? A finding we support and say the same LIES are also a torture for children of intersex family.
- Should gays who had children before 2015 get new birth certificates for their child with no mother’s name?
- How will two males have a validated Surrogacy agreement in Texas which was only allowed between man and woman before 2015? If they lie and don’t have a validated Surrogacy agreement as per laws, does that mean the innocent child born during the marriage should be deleted and hence get no rights?
The list goes on but I will stop as I make my point that status quo is all about power and exploitation of the voiceless, it is NOT about rule of law as it involves deleting a girl child and snatching her freedom. This is a case of pot calling the kettle black! Niti Atre will have anyone believe that an intersex, an immigrant, an infertile person like them can have a child legally when in fact the reality is they can’t in 2004 or 2009 or 2020! Niti Atre will have you believe that my family is lying when in fact no one has fought harder for right to marry or right to have a child for an intersex, immigrant, infertile people than us and now we have moved on to fighting for IVF/Surrogacy born children’s equality, has Niti Atre and her supporters? The message we want to send loud and clear is if anyone tries to help Niti Atre have a child including us or the government, they have to LIE which breaks laws and furthermore it places the welfare of the child at risk as fraud documents have to be used to separate the child from the biological family. Our issue is with being a divided family and chidlren with no rights and lies, we have no issues with Niti Atre being intersex or infertile or immigrant, those are legal and social issues outside our control and all a human can do is help and not hurt or exploit.
There were petitions started to help me to get my rights just like other cases like baby Gammy, or the Canadian case or the US-Israeli case and several others. My US Congressman Ted Poe in Harris county was given the signatures gathered from thousands of people and he helped me secure my freedom to get a passport! However, in doing so the 311th Court in the same Harris County found my father in violation of contempt of court for speaking up as a gag order had been passed by the 311th Harris County Court, Texas by Honorable Judge Denise Pratt who was forced to resign due to wrongdoing and while other cases were reviewed, my case wasn’t reviewed and instead penalized for exercising first amendment rights. So how does a girl child get saved from being exploited and having their freedom stolen? As a result, my family is in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt which we cannot afford and thus cannot come to the US to see my brother.
We have deep sympathy for Niti Atre, an intersex, immigrant, infertile adult and we have supported that but lying, exploitation, abuse is what we cannot support as also has been noted by international agencies that the lies is what causes torture. For the reasons that children born like me are “child born out of wedlock” is the EXACT same reason why Niti Atre is a male unless how else does an intersex married couple have children together? Until Niti Atre accepts me as a child of marriage just like they accepted my brother born the same way as me, Niti Atre is a male. The laws, the society, and so on will take time to first understand and then solve but Niti Atre knew the consequences of abandoning me in India which is they would buy time to suppress their lies and thus keep my brother as they couldn’t have a child any other way. Mother and infertile adult attacking a biological parent to take their child away is NOT new, rare but not new which is the case of selfishness as observed by Judge P. Kevin Castel of Federal District Court.
New kind of Exploitation of Women with Fake Feminism
Purnima Atre, mother of Niti Atre, signed my Surrogacy contract in India that even in case of separation they will raise the child yet they have NEVER come to see me or even send a note or a gift or a dress – things associated with celebrating the arrival of a new born at least if not for their sake then on behalf of my brother who was too young at the time to do anything on his own. Purnima Atre also happens to be a teacher, I wonder what lesson she wants to teach a girl child like me by exploiting and snatching my freedom?
When Niti Atre decided to NOT recognize my existence, I was in the 7th month of pregnancy in a Surrogate’s womb in India – do I count OR not count? And what does it mean for female foeticide and abandoning a 26 week term foetus? Or its allowed if its via IVF/Surrogacy but illegal if its a natural born? Thought value of human life is equal which is what my fight is about, include us as equals, no new laws.
When Niti Atre did not come to India when I was born, that means they also DID NOT pay their part of the money to the surrogate woman in India for her labour, is this a new kind of exploitation of women? Purnima Atre signed
Niti Atre and Purnima Atre from the 20th century and as OK, boomers may be OK with lying and hiding about being born infertile or intersex, but as a IVF/Surrogacy born child born to solve infertility and made stateless due to their lies, why should I continue the same and instead embrace my reality and NOT allow them to suppress my truth as an individual. They may have been so ashamed of their reality that Niti Atre claimed having given birth to my brother despite being born a male with no uterus or ovaries. Why should their lies be the cause of our exploitation and abuse and division? Being born intersex is not anyone’s fault, lying about it is especially if you get married and have children. Intersex is also a genetic condition and science has proved that the carrier gene comes from the maternal side, something which Purnima Atre as the mother of Niti Atre would have known yet hid it? Also, Purnima Atre’s biological sister, Dr. Rashmi Dhawedkar, is a OBGYN and thus a subject matter expert which is again something the family would have known. Genetically, there is a 1 in 4 chance that a child born to carrier gene carrying mothers like Purnima Atre has an intersex child, she has TWO children born the same way. Out of selfishness for her infertile children, she lied, she exploited me and snatched my freedom just so that her child can have my brother, do others agree? Is this the modus operandi to follow for other intersex or infertile adults? My father, also a parent, was confronted with MY birth condition and had to answer the SAME question as Purnima Atre on how to deal with their child’s birth condition? – LIE or say the truth and endure the exploitation, abuse, torture? The question is for others, what will you do? A lot of people have suggested to just leave but then who solves this issue of infertility amongst intersex? If everyone leaves and abandons like Niti Atre and Purnima Atre did then what is the solution?
When Niti Atre abandoned a IVF/Surrogacy born girl child in India who they consented to, they didn’t just abandon me, they abandoned millions of others who are struggling with infertility as we all know the lies we have to say to have a child and when the pot used the same lies against the kettle to call them black, the truth needs to be stated on the exploitation and abuse of #SurrogacyChildMeToo by adults in position of power.
For those who think this is a fight between two adults as in a marital dispute are living in the past and not solving the problem, we are focused on moving forward and it’s about the future as in what should be the rights of children born like me? Its for others to decide, whether they are part of the problem (past) or want to help solve (future)? I have no issue courts granting divorce between two males, I am sure this will occur in the future but will it involve DELETING a IVF/Surrogacy born child during the marriage? And how else do two males have children together?
I have met and spoken to several infertile or intersex or immigrants and no one supports duplicating this scenario set as a status quo and precedent by 200944214 in 311th Harris County, Texas. Even Texas I know believes in family values and does not condone deleting a girl child yet this is my reality. For anyone questioning my intent, it is simple that a IVF/Surrogacy born child is EQUAL to natural born child. While it may seem obvious, my lived reality states it is the opposite. I understand for the system its about “volume” as in they will allow immigration fraud for one child like my brother but the same lies are not allowed for me or the 4.5 million children in the US. For me, its about the principle and the issues as the laws have not changed meaning any adult can repeat the same exploitation and snatching of freedom to any innocent, voiceless child like me again. So we need a set policy, not new laws, just a set policy to INCLUDE children like us instead of being manipulated to DELETE us by the rich and powerful. Until then, the legal precedent set by 200944214 in 311th Harris County, Texas is the status quo on how to delete a girl child, give same-sex divorce before it became the law in 2015, and allow immigration fraud for one sibling but not the other or the millions of other such immigrant children should use US family courts for immigration fraud and NOT immigration courts to secure rights.
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